Delicious and hearty meal, that is a winner for any dinner
Delicious and hearty meal, that is a winner for any dinner, using our Peter Timbs Canterbury Whole Lamb Leg. Recipe by E. May

Preheat Oven to 170deg or preheat BBQ to med-high heat.

In a large roasting pan, first fry off Whole Lamb Leg on the stove top or on BBQ. Ensure Lamb leg is seasoned with Olive Oil and Salt & Pepper. Cook lamb leg until outside is seared.

Add Peter Timbs Steaky Bacon, Onion and Garlic, and fry off for an additional 3 minutes.

Add remaining vegetables and herbs into roasting dish. Top up dish with a mixture of 1/2 Water & 1/2 White Wine. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat. Cover dish with tin foil then bake at 170deg for 5 hours.

Once completed, let rest for 5 minutes, and serve with a side of crusty bread.